среда, 29. фебруар 2012.

Citati Dr. House - Paternity

Chase: "It doesn't necessarily have to be that bad. If we exclude the night terrors it could be something systemic: his liver, kidneys, something outside the brain."
House: "Yes, feel free to exclude any symptom if it makes your job easier."

House: "Perseverance does not equal worthiness."

House: "Another reason I don't like meeting patients. If they don't know what you look like, they can't yell at you."

House: "Could we get off my screw-ups and focus on theirs? Theirs are bigger."

House: "When did my signature get so girly?"
Cameron: "I can explain."
House: "See that "G," see how it makes a big loop on top? It doesn't even look like my handwriting. Think I have something? What's the differential diagnosis for writing Gs like a junior high school girl?"

Chase: "It doesn't necessarily have to be that bad. If we exclude the night terrors it could be something systemic: his liver, kidneys, something outside the brain."
House: "Yes, feel free to exclude any symptom if it makes your job easier."

Cameron: "What about sex?"
House: "Well, it might get complicated. We work together. I am older, certainly, but maybe you like that."
Cameron: "I meant maybe he has neurosyphilis."
House: "Heh, nice cover."

House: "Thirty percent of all dads out there don't realize they're raising someone else's kid."
Foreman: "From what I've read false paternity is more like ten percent."
House: "That's what our moms would like us to believe."
Cameron: "Who cares? If he got it from his parents they'd both be dead by now, can we get on with the differential diagnosis?"
House: "Fifty bucks says I'm right."
Foreman: "I'll take your money."
House: "Hit a nerve? Don't worry, Foreman, I'm sure the guy who tucked you in at night was your daddy."
Foreman: "Make that a hundred dollars."

Cuddy: "What are you doing back here? A patient?"
House: "No, a hooker. Went to my office instead of my home."

House: "—the cutest little tennis outfit! My God, I thought I was going to have a heart attack! Oh my! I didn't see you there - That is so embarrassing..."
Cuddy: "How's your hooker doing?"

Patients' Mother: "How can you just sit there?"
House: "If I eat standing up, I spill."

Foreman: "No neurologist in his right mind would recommend that."
House: "Show of hands: who thinks I'm not in my right mind? [nobody moves] And who thinks I forget this very basic neurological fact? [nobody moves again] Who thinks there's a third option?"
[Chase raises his hand]
House: "Very good. What's the third choice?"
Chase: "No idea. You just asked if I thought there was one."

Chase: "Hey, Dan, isn't Dr. Cameron's necklace a beauty? Something South American, I think."
Cameron: "Yeah, Guatemalan."
Dan: "It's a cool necklace."
Cameron: " [looks down, realizes Dan can see down her shirt, then speaks to Chase] Thank you SO much."
Chase: "The kid's in pain."

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